Music can regulate gross motor and fine motor movements, stimulate language and speech centres of the brain especially after stroke or other brain injury. Singing can help with strengthen respiratory functions.
Music therapy can help you ease tension and promote relaxation. It can also aid in physical and emotional regulation. Find what works for you.
Music-making is a way of communicating without words which can enhance other ways of self-expression.
Emotional Processing
Understand your thoughts, feelings and responses in a safe and non-judgemental environment. Develop tools and strategies to promote self-confidence and self-esteem.
Life Transitions
Let music therapy help you explore and navigate changes in your life, whether it be an injury, loss/grief, identity shifts, or anything else it might be for you.
Overall Wellness
Find ways to use music more intentionally and effectively to promote wellness in your daily life.

Workshops & Presentations
Staff Wellness & Team Building
Burnout & Compassion Fatigue
Please inquire.